Monday, April 16, 2012

10 NEW rules for David

1)Do all of your homework the day it needs to be done.
2)Never scream in public
3)  Never talk back to adults.
 4)Do not run in the road while cars are coming.
5)Do not ruin public property.
6)Do not answer the door to unknown people.
7)Do not take things that are not yours.
8)Never laugh at people to be rude.
9)Never through things at or towards windows
10) Always treat woman with respect.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



G- Goal (I would like to get all A’s this marking period)

A-Action- In order to get all A’s this marking period I would, turn in all of my assignments. I would try my hardest on test and quizzes, I would spend time studying, and I would pay more attention in class.
M- Monitor- I would monitor myself by checking my grades on infinite campus every Monday and Friday. If it is an A, A+, or and A- then that would be good. Anything under an A I would try to bring up by checking if I have any missing assignments.

E- Evaluate-

G.A.M.E plans